Infinity Cube, an innovative exhibit featuring bioluminescence, opened April 7, 2017 at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps. In collaboration with Dr. Latz, London-based artist Iyvone Khoo has created a dark ‘sensorial space’ of light projection and sound within a reflective cube to create an immersive experience.

(Photos by Sandy Huffaker/Birch Aquarium)
Art is a creative way to express the beauty of nature and communicate what science seeks to understand, without the jargon and technical details. An innovative aspect of Infinity Cube is the use of haiku, a Japanese form of poetry, to communicate science concepts. Visitors learn about luminescent organisms, how bioluminescence functions as a form of communication, its chemistry, and the need for protection of bioluminescent bays. The synergy between artist and scientist provides an opportunity for engage, inspire, and explore.
Infinity Cube was generously supported by Patty and Rick Elkus; the interpretative component was funded by the National Science Foundation.